Saturday, May 9, 2009

JDE Setting Up Supply and Demand Relationships

Use Branch Relationships Revisions (P3403T) to set up supply and demand relationships for any level of detail that you choose, including:
· Branch/plant
· Product group
· Master planning family
· Individual item number
This approach allows you to maintain supply and demand relationships in one central location, and reduce inventory errors caused by complex facility relationships. In addition, when you set up supply and demand relationships, you can use the following optional features:
You can have the system automatically mark up the cost of an item when you create a transfer order. The system can adjust the cost by a fixed amount or percentage.
Availability checking
You can ensure that the branch from which you are ordering has enough inventory in stock to fill the order. If the required quantity is not available, the system checks subsequent facilities in the sequence that you define.
Effectivity dates
Use effectivity dates to control the demands that are placed on your supply branches. If an effectivity date that was assigned to a supply branch has expired, the system checks for another facility.
The Material Requirements Planning (MRP), Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP), and Master Production Scheduling (MPS) versions of the Branch Relationships Revisions program use the same processing options. You can vary the settings in the processing options to accommodate the different requirements for a material requirements plan.
When you delete a supply and demand relationship, the system deletes the entire record.
To set up supply and demand relationships
From the Multi-Facility Setup menu (G3443), choose Branch Relationships Revisions.
1. On Work With Branch Relationships, complete one of the following fields:
· Supply Branch/Plant
· Demand Branch/Plant
Use the View menu to switch from viewing the supply branch/plant to viewing the demand branch/plant. A processing option controls which branch/plant is the default.
2. To narrow your search, complete one of the following fields and click Find. Enter an item number to display all branch/plants that either supply or demand a certain part. Enter the planning family to display all branch/plants that either supply or demand parts that belong to a specific master planning family.
· Planning Family
· Item Number
3. Choose the record and click Select.
4. On Branch Relationship Revisions, complete the following fields:
· Include/ Exclude
Some parts might come from certain branch/plants. In multifacility planning, if Exclude is selected, then the item is supplied by the demand branch only.
· Effective From
This date defaults in from the bill of material.
· Source Percent
The percent of demand to be supplied by the source branch/plant.
· Percent To Fill
This amount of the source percent must be available to be filled by this branch/plant. The percent of demand should be filled to place a transfer order message. A transfer order is generated if Availability Check is on.
5. Complete the following optional fields, then click OK:
· Branch Level
The branch that will go first, second, and so on. The lowest level is processed first (the highest numerical value). Ensure all demand is generated before supply is allocated.
· Branch Priority
This field shows the sequence within a level branch/plant where requirements are processed.
· Transfer Leadtime
This field shows the time to ship the item from the supply to the demand branch plant in days.
· Availability Check
If availability check is on, the system checks the availability of the supply branch inventory only. The available balance is committed until a zero inventory balance, and then moves to another supply branch or creates an order in the demand branch.
If availability check is off, then the inventory balance can go negative.
Processing Options for Branch Relationships Revisions (P3403T)
Enter the default Branch Relationship display mode.
1. 'D' = Demand branch 'S' = Supply branch
Enter a '1' to automatically update the Branch Level field.
2. Branch Level update

You must set this processing option to ensure that the level of the Demand Branch is one level higher than the header for the Supply branch. The branch level on the Defaults tab, along with the branch priority, determines the sequence in which the system processes supply and demand plants. The system processes the branches with the highest numerical branch levels first.

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